12 Days Of Self Care

During the first 12 days of January, the coalition initiated a social media campaign focusing on the importance of practicing self-care! These posts are still available on our social media accounts but we also wanted to archive these posts and make them available on our website as well!

Self Love

Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of 12 Days of Self Care! Today is self-love Saturday and we will be making ourselves the priority today! This activity will only take a few minutes and only involves a pen and paper, or a note-taking device. Make a list of ten things that you love about yourself. This may be hard to do but focus on both internal traits and external traits. All the amazing things that come together to make you who you are!

Enjoy this 5-minute video about self-love and how to show it to yourself!


The Sunday Scaries

Day 2

For day 2 of 12 days of self-care, we will be learning how to eliminate the “Sunday Scaries!” That feeling of anxious anticipation for what the new week has to offer is a feeling that is known to many. First off, know you aren’t alone!  Having a routine helps you feel more prepared for the upcoming week and creates a structured schedule to help your mind with an easier transition to the week. Typically on Sundays’,Set aside some time for personal relaxation. This entails doing any activity that you enjoy! It can be reading a book, taking a bath, going for a run, the possibilities are endless! Always ensure that your living space is cleaned up and tidy because everyone knows that a cluttered environment often results in a cluttered mind! Lastly, Have clothes picked out for Monday and everything all set and ready to go for the morning!


Enjoy this video that explains what the Sunday Scaries are and how to manage those feelings effectively!

Mindful Monday

Day 3
Mindful Monday is all about learning how to calm your mind and recenter.  Focusing on gratitude and your surroundings.  Try this exercise – it’s AMAZING!
How to do box breathing
  • Breathe out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs.
  • Breathe in through your nose as you slowly count to four in your head
  • Hold your breath for a count of four.
  • Exhale for another count of four.
  • Hold your breath again for a count of four.
  • Repeat for three to four rounds.

Use the video below to guide you!


Thankful Tuesday

Day 4

Today is Thankful Tuesday! We will be reminding ourselves of the things that we are grateful for! Practicing gratitude regularly has been associated with enhanced optimism, better sleep, lower levels of anxiety and depression, and many more. While you are thinking of the things you are thankful for, consider how each item makes you feel. Take a few minutes to sit with that feeling before moving on to the next.


Please enjoy this short video on why showing gratitude is important!

Walk It Out Wednesday

Day 5

It’s Walk it Out Wednesday! Today we will be discussing how beneficial it is for our bodies and mind to take a walk! Taking a walk outside not only increases your oxygen intake and revs up your circulation, but it also enhances calm energy and promotes stress reduction! Next time you are out for a walk, try doing it mindfully! It is so simple to do while walking, shift your awareness to the different sounds, smells, sights, and body movements, and take a few minutes to focus on each sense.


Enjoy this short video that elaborates more on what walking mindfully entails!


Thoughtful Thursday

Day 6

It’s Day 6 and we are officially at the halfway mark of our self-care journey! Today we will be focusing on being thoughtful! It is so easy to get caught up in our own lives that we often forget to show not only ourselves but our loved ones how much we truly appreciate them. It can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, saying thank you, paying it forward at the drive-thru, there are endless ways to be thoughtful! Challenge yourself to be thoughtful as many times as you can today!

Enjoy this short video that explains why being thoughtful is so important and some different ways to show your appreciation!

Feel Good Friday

Day 7

It’s feel-good Friday! Today we will be discussing the importance of doing things that make you feel good! When you do something that makes you feel happy, it has many benefits for your body, mind, and spirit. Especially with all going on in the world right now, it is essential to remember to be kind to yourself and take a few minutes to do things for yourself! The majority of suggestions listed aren’t very time-consuming, and quite frankly, you owe it to yourself!


Attached is a short video that gives a few suggestions of things you can do you feel great!


Smile Saturday

Day 8

It’s Smile Saturday! Today we will discuss the importance of smiling! Smiling increases your mood and creates a sense of well-being! Studies have also shown that when we smile it also causes our bodies to release endorphins and cortisol which helps reduce pain levels, strengthen your immune system and reduce your blood pressure! So go out and find as many reasons as you can to smile today!


Please enjoy this short video that discusses the health benefits of smiling!

Sunday Checklists

Day 9

It’s Day 9! Today we will be continuing off of our theme from last Sunday… elimination of those Sunday Scaries! This checklist could be utilized to make sure that you are relaxed and prepared for the week! Make things simpler for yourself on Sunday, not more complicated! Establish a routine that works for you and stick to it! You can do this and the difference will be noticeable!


Enjoy this short guided meditation to calm yourself and focus on the present.


Motivation Monday

Day 10

It’s Motivation Monday! It’s hard for many to get back into the swing of things after a weekend of relaxation and fun. Here are some ideas of things you can do to help get that Monday Motivation! I heavily depend on lists, they help me feel much more organized and prepared. Try making a list of the things you would like to accomplish this week! See if it improves your productivity for the week!


Watch this short video that is a great thing to listen to at any point of the day to really boost you up!


Try It Out Tuesday

Day 11

It’s Day 11 and Try it Out Tuesday! Today we will encourage everyone to challenge themselves to try something new! This could be by trying a new food, learning a new skill, learning a new language or try a new form of art… who knows you may find something you love!


Watch this cute, short video that tells the story of a monster trying something new!


You Did It!

Day 12

It’s Day 12 and this marks the end of our self-care journey. We have learned many new ways to show ourselves love, learned how to cope with stress, and learned many new things about taking care of ourselves!


Keep practicing the self-care techniques you have learned, it only takes a few minutes…and you deserve it!

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